We’ve taken a stab at answering most of the questions a first-time user might have below. If there’s something we’ve missed or for anything else, please reach out to us through social media or by e-mailing info@coshipper.com. To save you some time, check out our help page to know more. It may help before reaching out to us.
Can I get an online quote?
Yes, you can submit quotes directly from our platform for any type of shipment – Ocean, Air; Express or Standard. You’ll receive a quote back from our team with full details and route info specific to your goods and shipment destinations within 24-48 hours. You can then review and book directly through the site or through our Business Managers.
What’s a Business Manager?
You’re Business Manager is your 1 on 1 advisor and point of contact to guide you through your entire shipment from origination and planning, to until your goods arrive at destination, to any other Amazon Seller related needs you may have – including assisting you with sourcing, consolidation of freight, prep, and even Amazon operational side questions you might have! We have specialist teams ready to assist you at every process of your Amazon Seller journey.
I don’t have a Business Manager, how can I get one assigned?
Shoot us an email and we’ll get someone assigned to you! Hello@coshipper.com
I don’t have a Business Manager, how can I get one assigned?
You’re Business Manager is your 1 on 1 advisor to guide you through your
How soon after I sign up can I begin actually shipping?
You can begin shipping immediately.
Are there any monthly fees or any other hidden fees associated with being a Coshipper member?
There are no other fees whatsoever!
Can more than one person use an account?
Yes! We actually share it with our families. By storing common addresses and payment methods in the account, it’s the perfect way to stay in touch and send gifts when you’re apart!
Do I have to ship a minimum amount to get these preferred rates?
No! One of the many benefits of the Coshipper platform is that you do not have to meet or maintain any volume requirements whatsoever in order to get the preferred pricing we offer. Please note: Sea shipping MOQ:100kg Air shipping MOQ:21kg
Will I be able to track all my shipments in real-time?
Absolutely, your shipments are traceable every step of the way through the carrier’s websites.
What is Coshipper insurance?
When you book high-value shipments on Coshipper, you can choose to insure your items in case of loss or damage during transit. Please keep in mind, for all courier shipments you are automatically covered for up to $100 without insurance.
Can Coshipper be integrated into my shopping cart system?
Yes, Coshipper can be integrated with most systems directly.
Does Coshipper offer warehousing and fulfillment services as well?
This is something we’re looking into but not offered at this time.
Can more than one person be processing shipments at the same time?
Yes you can have as many people as you like on the system at the same time.
Does CoShipper allow me to keep an address book for my regular customers?
Yes, you can keep a database of regular customers in your address book to save time in retyping the same address information day after day. Larger lists can be easily imported into the system.
Can Coshipper import address lists for large distributions?
Yes, you can run your large distributions through Coshipper as easy as 1-2-3!
Can I check your rates without registering?
You do have to register with eShipper in order to see our rates. For enterprise clients, corporate entities and franchised corporations, we are happy to do a cost analysis to compare your current shipping rates to ours.
Please email sales@coshipper.com and we’d happy to assist you.
What kind of shipments can I book on Coshipper?
On Coshipper, you can book domestic and global courier (small parcel). We are exploring the ability to ship skids/pallets in the future.