How To Grow, Expand And Automate Your Amazon FBA Business

Why Should I Automate My Amazon FBA Business?

If you are selling on Amazon, you know that owning your own business can be rewarding and profitable but taxing. You may have other commitments, such as a day job or a family to care for.


In order to have a healthy work-life balance while improving your Amazon seller account, you will need strategies to maximize the efficiency of your ecommerce business.


If you automate your Amazon FBA business, you will be able to focus on growth and expansion. It may take some time and effort to implement these automation methods, but it will be worth it.


How Do I Automate My Amazon FBA Business?

The process of setting up automation for your e-commerce business can be time-consuming, but in the long game,  but it is an integral part of business planning, and your efforts will be rewarded.


You can automate your Amazon seller account by delegating tasks and making use of tools designed to help Amazon sellers. Here are some of the ways you can automate your business:


Utilize Account Management


If you are selling on Amazon, it is vital to keep track of your financial data to determine your revenue and expenses to calculate profit, and for tax purposes. Using spreadsheets can be tiresome and waste your time.


You can hire an assistant to take care of your bookkeeping needs, and this will free up a lot of your time.


Or, if this isn’t in your budget, you can make use of some online accounting software tools to keep track of your fixed and variable expenses.


Zoho Books is an accounting software tool with free support to get you set up. This tool will handle day-to-day accounting tasks to allow you to focus on your Amazon FBA business.


Use Inventory Management Applications


If you lose track of your inventory and run out of stock before the next order arrives this can seriously hinder your logistics and distribution plans and tank your Amazon search rank.


Amazon sellers have to implement inventory management, but this task can be delegated.


By making use of online inventory management software, such as Brightpearl, you can ensure you never run out of inventory with real-time inventory updates.


Inventory management solutions and stock requirement prediction tools will give you an idea of your expected sales figures. They are widely used by third party sellers.


Hire Photographers and Content Marketers


FBA sellers will need to optimize the listings on their Amazon seller account in order to generate traffic and increase revenue.


Using keywords and search engine optimization techniques will increase the traffic to your Amazon FBA store by ensuring that your products are ranked high in relevant search terms.



Some fulfillment companies can take charge of the photography of your products for you. This will help you to streamline your supply chain management and get excellent photos of your products in the process.


You may also wish to opt for videos of your products. When customers see a video of the product, it gives them a more precise impression of the quality, size, or color of the product. This will eliminate the feeling of risk they may have concerning the quality.


Captivating copy and outstanding photography don’t have to be your responsibility. Take a look at websites like Fiverr and Freelancer to find experts that will do this for you and optimize your Amazon listings. This is a great technique to use your marketing budget as it maximizes your chances to increase your organic search engine ranking.

Utilize Amazon Ads With PPC Software


Paid ad placement is the surest way to generate traffic to your Amazon FBA business and boost your company’s status. Rather than simply paying to display your ad, PPC allows you to pay every time someone clicks on your page.


To ensure your pay-per-click ads are actually useful to your Amazon business, you will need a PPC software tool. It will help you to reduce costs and maximize return on investment.


Ruler Analytics allows sellers to track the customer’s journey and each and every touchpoint to their Amazon stores, saving time and money.

How To Grow and Expand Your Amazon Seller Business

Once you have taken steps to automate the management of your Amazon store, you will have more time to focus on growing and expanding your e-commerce business to appeal to mass and niche markets.


To run a successful Amazon FBA Business, you will need to stimulate consistent growth and expansion using the following methods:

Launch New Products and Variants of Existing Products


New products will help you to sell to existing customers that use your store and build customer relationships. As an Amazon seller, you should know what niche category your products fall into.


Take a look at your competitor’s Amazon stores. What are they selling that fits into your product category? 


You should use Amazon in your market research. Find out what subcategories of products you could sell.



Take a look at products that are displayed in the ‘related’ and ‘others also bought’ sections of your product pages. This will give you some ideas.


It is also beneficial to take a look at the most popular products you’re selling. Could you create variations of these products? Try selling them in different sizes, colors, and flavors. You can use a Amazon FBA Freight forwarder to not only ship, but source Amazon & Ecommerce focused products and start your own private label.


Varying your products will be a major selling factor for Amazon customers who love your existing products.

Analyze Your Numbers


Analyzing your company’s finances is a great way to streamline your business and cut costs. Use a revenue calculator to determine which products are cost-effective and which ones might be useful to discontinue.


By analyzing your numbers, you can create a basis for your business decisions. You can identify where you can cut costs by switching suppliers or where you can edit pricing.


If you wish to sell your business in the future, it is helpful to have an account of your business trajectory. This will give buyers an indication of the trends and forecasts of your Amazon FBA business.




You can strengthen how you market the products sold in your Amazon FBA business using the following methods:


  • Pay-per-click Ads: This is a fantastic ROI when it comes to advertising, as if it is an unsuccessful campaign, you will not have to pay. PPC ads provide instant traffic and are cost-effective.
  • Branding: creating a solid brand that clearly shows what products you sell and indicates how cost-effective or high quality they are will help ensure the traffic on your product page will lead to sales.
  • List on other marketplaces: Adjust the prices competitively, link the accounts, and you can broaden the amount of exposure your products receive.
  • Use negative keywords: Negative keywords exclude you from particular Amazon searches. For example, if you’re selling genuine leather handbags, you may want to include the negative keyword ‘vegan’ to avoid popping up on irrelevant searches.

Seize The Best-Seller Rank


Your best-seller rank indicates how well the products in your Amazon FBA Business are selling overall, showing your items rank in each category and highlighting subcategories in which your products stand out.


You can improve your best-seller rank with acclaimed customer service and by outselling your competitors.


If you can’t compete with your competitors, it is worth finding a less competitive area of product offering. This way, you can dominate that area and improve sales.


Your best-seller rank is determined by your seller rating, shipping, and pricing. Consider lowering prices on high-volume products to improve your pricing.


You can improve your shipping performance by using Amazon fulfillment and by looking into freight forwarding companies used by Amazon FBA sellers that can ship your packages more quickly. This will improve your company status for shipping.


Negotiate With Your Suppliers


Your suppliers will be willing to compete for the custom of your Amazon FBA business. This means you should see if they are eager to give you a better price on your stock.


Asking for a better price has no downside and could increase your profit margins.


You may also want to ask your suppliers for exclusivity. This will add value to your brand and limit your competitors. Being assertive with your suppliers will get you the best deals for your products and help you to foster good business relationships.

Blocks To Expanding Your Amazon Seller Account

Now you know how to automate and move on to grow and expand your Amazon FBA business, it’s time to take a look at some of the difficulties you may face:


Raising Capital


If you lack the funds to grow and expand your Amazon business and are struggling to raise the capital to launch new products, it is probably time to look for some investors.


You can do this by setting up a Kickstarter. Kickstarter is an American public-benefit corporation designed to bring creative projects to life through crowdfunding. If people like your project, they can provide you with the money to get it up and running.


A Lack of Passion


The biggest reason for failure in the world of Amazon FBA business is a lack of interest or passion. If the job is a chore for you, you will simply put less time into it and increase your chances of failure.


In order to succeed, you must have a passion for what you do. This is what makes brainstorming for marketing ideas, generating cash flow projections, and market research enjoyable.


Part of your success will be not finding the work a chore. If you don’t have a passion for your Amazon store, you should see what interests you and capitalize on that. Otherwise, you will likely burn out and lose your e-commerce business.

What Is An Amazon FBA Business?

An Amazon FBA Business is one where an online seller finds a supplier, orders products, and then sells them using Amazon’s fulfillment services.


The seller sells the product stored at Amazon’s fulfillment center, and Amazon picks it out, packages it, and then ships it.


Using Fulfillment by Amazon and storing your products at an Amazon warehouse can help you expand your reach to customers and can help both small and large businesses. It is a hassle-free service that will save you time.


How To Start An Amazon FBA Business

To start your Amazon seller business, you must first decide what kind of products you would like to sell. Try not to pick an oversaturated category, where big brand names will have you beat.

(You will also want to make sure you’re passionate about what you sell, as you will be devoting a lot of time to it).


Then, you will want to reach out to factories to find a supplier and ask for some prototypes to get an idea of the quality they can provide.


Then, you must organize a way to ship your products. Once you have set up your supply chain management, you can start marketing your product on Amazon and start making a profit!

How Much Does It Cost To Set Up An Amazon FBA Business?

Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) shipping costs are the first thing to consider.


They offer two different kinds of membership. One charges you a lump sum per month, just under $40, and you can ship as many orders from the amazon warehouse as you like. The other is free but charges you per shipped order.


In terms of other costs, it’s totally up to you! A good baseline to cover the basic expenses is around $500, and then from there, it just depends on how much money you are willing to put into it.

How To Grow Your Amazon Business

Once you’re all set up, you will want to learn how to grow your Amazon seller business. The best place to start is to minimize wasted time, setting up an automated management system using different software to manage your finances and inventory.


Then, you will want to expand the products you sell and make use of content writing and photography to market your products well and improve sales. Your e-commerce business will be successful if you put time and effort into researching it.

To Summarise

If you have automated your business, this will give you more time and energy to put into growing and expanding your Amazon sellers account. Successful sellers will constantly be analyzing their data and finding ways to better their business.


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